Home Care Data (HCD) - National Registry for Swiss Spitex Organizations (Care and Support at Home)

Home Care Data is the data pool of Spitex Switzerland - the national federation of Spitex cantonal associations and other organizations for professional care and support at home. The basis of the register is professional, internationally developed interRAI instruments for assessing needs for specific population groups. The instruments used in Switzerland have been adapted to Swiss conditions. They serve as a source of information and a guide for person-centered, holistic care and support planning in the home environment.

Several IT companies implemented the interRAI modules for data collection, which are used by hundreds of Spitex organizations throughout Switzerland. The interRAI modules are certified and have included an interface to the SwissRDL register platform for periodic data transfer since 2013.

SwissRDL produces semi-annual and annual reports for the various Spitex organizations and cantonal associations. These reports provide an overview of the demographic distribution and a summary of key aspects of client functioning, physical and mental health, social support and inclusion. The various service providers can compare their key figures with those of all other Spitex organizations in the data pool.

For further information please go to: www.spitex-bedarfsabklaerung.ch and www.spitex.ch